From this interesting visual, I could recognize the volcano in Iceland has brought the butterfly effect to the globe. When I first time heard about Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano eruption 2010, I would not realize it could cause a great deal of disruption around the world. Because I understand the eruptions of volcanoes are just one kind of natural disaster on our earth, I have not thought deeply before the butterfly effect diagram caught my attention. This is one of the good visuals I have read about the Eyjafjallajokull volcano eruption. The audiences could easily recognize what kind of organizations or countries have been affected by the cloud of ash from Iceland’s volcano. There are solid lines and dotted lines all over the diagram. The solid lines represent that there are current relations between the volcano eruption and companies or organizations, such as Fedex Corporation has been prevented shipping to and from Europe recently, and the Eurozone’s economy has been decreased. The dotted lines show the former relations, such as the airlines have been cancelled and cost at least $200 million a day. Generally, this visual is well-organized and informative. It could catch audiences’ eyeballs by this butterfly diagram.

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